the best single-authored, original research based monograph about women in rural or environmental history, from any era and any place in the world.
The committee is especially interested in topics related to rural women, women and education, community development, activism, and environmental history.
Award: $1000
Open for submissions: annually in October
Deadline: The 2025 Chaudhuri Prize is now closed for submission. The winner will be announced at the Awards Banquet on Saturday, April 26, 2025.
Applicants for the Gita Chaudhuri Prize:
Submission Requirements
Applicants for the Gita Chaudhuri Prize must submit the following through the application portal (see green button below):
Applicants are strongly encouraged to read about the award and the selection process in the Gita Chaudhuri Prize bylaws.
Disqualification: Applicants who do not meet the deadline for submission or include all the required materials will not be considered.
2012 prize-winner Nwando Achebe with the Chaudhuri family.
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Catherine McNeur, Mischievous Creatures: The Forgotten Sisters Who Transformed Early American Science (Basic Books, 2023)
No prize awarded.
Arunima Datta, Fleeting Agencies: A Social History of Indian Coolie Women in British Malaysia (Cambridge, 2021)
Laura J. Arata, Sara Bickford, The Montana Vigilantes, and the Tourism of Decline, 1870-1930 (University of Oklahoma, 2020)
Cynthia Prescott, Pioneer Mother Monuments: Constructing Cultural Memory (University of Oklahoma Press, 2019)
Sara Egge, Woman Suffrage and Citizenship in the Midwest, 1870–1920 (University of Iowa Press, 2018)
No prize awarded.
Sarah Carter, Imperial Plots: Women, Land, and the Spadework of British Colonialism on the Canadian Prairies (Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2016)
Honorable Mention: Veronica Castillo-Muñoz, The Other California: Land, Identity, and Politics on the Mexican Borderlands (Oakland: University of California Press, 2017)
Karen Hansen, Encounter on the Great Plains: Scandinavian Settlers and the Dispossession of Dakota Indians, 1890 – 1930 (Oxford University Press, 2013)
Grey Osterud, Putting the Barn before the House: Women and Family in Early Twentieth-Century New York (Cornell University Press, 2012)
No prize awarded.
No prize awarded.
Nwando Achebe, The Female King of Colonial Nigeria: Ahebi Ugbabe (Indiana University Press, 2011)
Janet Casey, A New Heartland: Women, Modernity, and the Agrarian Ideal in America (Oxford University Press, 2009)
No prize awarded.
No prize awarded.
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