the best article in the field of history published in one of the two years preceding the prize year.
Award: $250
Open for submissions: annually in October
Deadline: The 2025 Ridge Prize is now closed for submissions. The winner will be announced at the Awards Banquet on Saturday, April 26, 2025.
Submission Requirements
Applicants for the Judith Lee Ridge Prize must submit the following through the application portal (see green button below):
Applicants are strongly encouraged to read about the award and the selection process in the Judith Lee Ridge Prize bylaws.
Disqualification: Applicants who do not meet the deadline for submission or include all the required materials will not be considered.
Holly Miowak Guise, "Who is Doctor Bauer?: Rematriating a Censored Story on Internment, Wardship, and Sexual Violence in Wartime Alaska, 1941 - 1944," Western Historical Quarterly (Summer 2022)
Honorable Mention: Sharon Block, "Rewriting the Rape of Rachel: Historical Methods, Historical Justice," William and Mary Quarterly (October 2023)
Jeong Min Kim, “Base Money: U.S. Military Payment Certificates and the Transpacific Sexual Economies of the Korean War, 1950-1953,” American Historical Review (June 2022)
Kristina Shull, “Reagan’s Cold War on Immigrants: Resistance and the Rise of a Detention Regime, 1981-1985,” Journal of American Ethnic History (Winter 2021)
Diane T. North, “California in the 1918-1920 Influenza Pandemic,” California History 97, no.3 (Fall 2020): 3-36.
Natalia Milanesio, “Sex and Democracy: The Meanings of the Destape in Postdictatorial Argentina,” Hispanic American Historical Review 99, no. 1 (February 2019): 91–122.
Danielle Terrazas Williams, “‘My Conscience is Free and Clear’: African-Descended Women, Status, and Slave Owning in Mid-Colonial Mexico,” The Americas 75, no. 3 (July 2018): 525-554
Kelli Y. Nakamura, “‘Into the Dark Cold I Go, the Rain Gently Falling’: Hawai’i Island Incarceration,” Pacific Historical Review 86 (August 2017): 407–442.
Miroslava Chavez-Garcia, “Migrant Longing, Courtship, and Gendered Identity in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands,” Western Historical Quarterly 47 (Summer 2016): 137-60.
Margaret Connell Szasz, “A’ Ghàidhealtachd and the North American West,” Western Historical Quarterly 46 (February 2015): 5-29.
Karissa Haugeberg (Co-Winner) “How Come There’s Only Men Up There?: Catholic Women’s Grassroots Anti-Abortion Activism,” Journal of Women’s History (Winter 2015)
Katherine M. Marino (Co-Winner) “Marta Vergara, Popular-Front Pan-American Feminism and the Transnational Struggle for Working Women’s Rights in the 1930s,” Gender History 26, no. 3 (November 2014): 642-660
Lori Flores, “A Town Full of Dead Mexicans: The Salinas Valley Bracero Tragedy of 1963, a Collision of Communities, and the End of the Bracero Program,” Western Historical Quarterly (Spring 2013).
Grace Delgado, “Border Control and Sexual Policing: White Slavery and Prostitution along the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, 1903-1910,” Western Historical Quarterly (Summer 2012): 157-178.
Charise Cheney, “Blacks on Brown: Intra-Community Debates Over School Desegregation in Topeka, Kansas, 1941-1955,” published in the Western Historical Quarterly 42 (Winter 2011): 481-500.
Terri Snyder, “Suicide, Slavery, and Memory in North America,” Journal of American History, vol. 97 (June 2010): 39-62.
Leandra Zarnow, “Braving Jim Crow to Save Willie McGee: Bella Abzug, the Legal Left, and Civil Rights Innovation, 1948-1951,” Law and Social Inquiry, 33, no. 4 (Fall 2008).
Anna E. Harrison, “‘Oh! What Treasure Is In This Book!’ Writing, Reading, and Community at the Monastery of Helfta“, Viator, volume 39, no. 1, (spring 2008).
Marilyn Boxer, “Rethinking the Socialist Construction and International Career of the Concept ‘Bourgeois Feminism‘,” American Historical Review 112, no. 1 (2007).
Carolyn Herbst Lewis, “Waking Sleeping Beauty: The Premarital Pelvic Exam and Heterosexuality During the Cold War,” Journal of Women’s History Vol. 17, No. 4, 2005.
Carla Bittel, “Science, Suffrage, and Experimentation: Mary Putnam Jacobi and the Controversy over Vivisection in Late Nineteenth-Century America.” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 79 (2005): 664-694.
Lisa Forman Cody, “Living and Dying in Georgian London’s Lying-in Hospitals,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 78.2 (Summer 2004): 309-48.
Elena Shulman, “Soviet Maids for the Socialist Fortress: The Khetagurovite Campaign to Settle the Far East, 1937-39.” The Russian Review 62 (July 2003), 387-410.
Lynn Sacco, “Sanitized for Your Protection: Medical Discourse and the Denial of Incest in the United States, 1890-1940,” Journal of Women’s History 14 (Autumn 2002): 80-104.
Lisa Forman Cody, “The Politics of Illegitimacy in an Age of Reform: Women, Reproduction, and Political Economy in England’s New Poor Law of 1834,” Journal of Women’s History 11 (Winter 2000): 131-156.
Barbara Malony, “Women’s Rights, Feminism, and Suffragism in Japan, 1870-1925.” Pacific Historical Review (November 2000, Volume 69, No. 4).
Amy Froide, “Marital Status as a Category of Difference: Singlewomen and Widows in Early Modern England” in Singlewomen in the European Past 1250-1800 (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999).
Kathleen Kennedy, “Casting an Evil Eye on the Youth on the Nation: Motherhood and Political Subversion in the Wartime Prosecution of Kate Ruchard O’Hare, 1917-1924,” American Studies 39(3) (Fall 1998): 105-129.
Patricia A. Schechter, “Unsettled Business: Ida B. Wells Against Lynching, or How Antilynching Got Its Gender,” in Under Sentence of Death: Lynching in the South, ed. W. Fitzhugh Brundage, (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1997), 292-317.
Margaret Rose, “‘Woman Power Will Stop Those Grapes’: Chicana Organizers and Middle-Class Supporters in the Farm Workers’ Grape Boycott in Philadelphia, 1969-1970,” Journal of Women’s History 7(4) (Winter 1995): 6-36.
Wendy Gamber, “Reduced to Science: Gender, Technology and Power in the American Dressmaking Trade, 1860-1910,” Journal of the History of Technology (July 1995): 455-482.
Margaret Lavinia Anderson, “Voter, Junker, Landrat, Priest: The Old Authorities and the New Franchise in Imperial Germany,” American Historical Review 98 (December 1993).
Linda Lewin, “Natural and Spurious Children in Brazilian Inheritance Law From Colony to Empire: A Methodological Essay,” The Americas XLVIII No. 3 (January 1992), 351-396.
Nancy Fitch, “Mass Culture, Mass Parliamentary Politics, and Modern Anti-Semitism: The Dreyfus Affair in Rural France,” The American Historical Review 97(1) (February, 1992).
Francesca Miller, “Latin American Feminism and the Transnational Arena, ” in Women, Culture, and Politics in Latin America (University of California Press, 1990).
Honorable Mention: Karen Offen“Women’s Memory, Women’s History, Women’s Political Action: The French Revolution in Retrospect, 1789, 1889, 1989,” Journal of Women’s History 1(3) (1990).
Margaret DeLacy, “Puerperal Fever in Eighteenth-Century Britain,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 63(4) (1989).
Karen Offen, “Defining Feminism: A Comparative Historical Approach,” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 14(1) (1988).
Ruth M. Alexander, “We Are Engaged as a Band of Sisters: Class and Domesticity in the Washingtonian Temperance Movement, 1840-1850,” Journal of American History 75 (1988).
Honorable Mention: Edith B. Gelles“The Abigail Industries,” The William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd. Series, XLV (October 1988): 656-683
Honorable Mention: Barbara Corrado Pope“A Heroine Without Heroics: The Little Flower of Jesus and Her Times,” Church History 57 (March 1988): 46-60.
Karen Offen, “Ernest Legouvé and the Doctrine of ‘Equality in Difference’ for Women: A Case Study of Male Feminism in Nineteenth-Century French Thought,” Journal of Modern History 58(2) (1986).
Recipients prior to naming the award:
Marilyn J. Boxer, “Protective Legislation and Home Industry: The Marginalization of Women Workers in Late Nineteenth/Early Twentieth Century France,” Journal of Social History 20(1) (Fall 1986).
No prize awarded.
Anne M. Boylan, “Women in Groups: An Analysis of Women’s Benevolent Organizations in New York and Boston, 1797-1840,” Journal of American History 71 (3) (December 1984).
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