the best single-authored, original research based monograph in the field of history. Anthologies and edited works are not eligible.
Amount: $400
Open for submissions: annually in October
Deadline: The 2025 Keller-Sierra Prize is now closed for submissions. The winner will be announced at the Awards Banquet on Saturday, April 26, 2025.
Submission Requirements
Applicants for the Frances Richardson Keller-Sierra Prize must submit the following through the application portal (see green button below):
Applicants are strongly encouraged to read about the award and the selection process in the Frances Richardson Keller-Sierra Prize bylaws.
Disqualification: Applicants who do not meet the deadline for submission or include all the required materials will not be considered.
Former WAWH president (1981-1983) Francis Richardson Keller (left) with Barbara "Penny" Kanner.
Ava Purkiss, Fit Citizens: A History of Black Women's Exercise from Post-Reconstruction to Postwar America (University of North Carolina Press, 2023)
Honorable Mention: Elizabeth O'Brien, Surgery and Salvation: The Roots of Reproductive Injustice in Mexico, 1770-1940 (University of North Carolina Press, 2023)
Adria Imada, An Archive of Skin, an Archive of Kin: Diasbility and Life Making during Medical Incarceration (University of California Press, 2022)
Honorable Mention: Wendy Rouse, Public Faces, Secret Lives: A Queer History of the Women's Suffrage Movement (New York University Press, 2022)
Sarah Coleman, The Walls Within: The Politics of Immigration in Modern America (Princeton, 2021)
Hannah Dudley-Shotwell, Revolutionizing Women’s Healthcare: The Feminist Self-Help Movement in America (Rutgers, 2020)
Jacqueline-Bethel Mougoué, Gender, Separatist Politics, and Embodied Nationalism in Cameroon (University of Michigan Press, 2019)
Honorable Mention: Katherine M. Marino, Feminism for the Americas: The Making of an International Human Rights Movement (UNC Press, 2019)
Ana Raquel Minian, Undocumented Lives: The Untold Story of Mexican Migration (Harvard University Press, 2018)
Sue Peabody, Madeleine’s Children: Family, Freedom, Secrets, and Lies in France’s Indian Ocean Colonies (Oxford University Press, 2017)
Carolyn Chappell Lougee, Facing the Revocation: Huguenot Families, Faith, and the King’s Will (Oxford University Press, 2016)
Terri Snyder, The Power to Die: Slavery and Suicide in British North America (University of Chicago Press, 2015)
Paula Michaels, Lamaze: An International History (Oxford University Press, 2014)
Estelle Freedman, Redefining Rape: Sexual Violence in the Era of Suffrage and Segregation (Harvard University Press, 2013)
Nancy Kollman, Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge University Press, 2012)
Edith Sheffer, Burned Bridge: How East And West Germans Made The Iron Curtain (Oxford University Press, 2011)
Sarah Curtis, Civilizing Habits: Women Missionaries and the Revival of the French Empire (Oxford University Press, 2010)
Rebecca M. Kluchin, Fit to Be Tied: Sterilization and Reproductive Rights in America, 1950-1980 (Rutgers University Press, 2009)
Rachel Fuchs, Contested Paternity: Constructing Families in Modern France (Johns Hopkins, 2008)
Jill Fields, An Intimate Affair: Women, Lingerie, and Sexuality (University of California Press, 2007)
Linda Nash, Inescapable Ecologies: A History of Environment, Disease, and Knowledge (University of California Press, 2006)
Lisa Forman Cody, Birthing the Nation: Sex, Science, and the Conception of Eighteenth-Century Britons (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005)
Irene Guenther, Nazi ‘Chic’?: Fashioning Women in the Third Reich (Berg Publishers, 2004)
Tanis C. Thorne, The World’s Richest Indian: The Scandal Over Jackson Barnett’s Oil Fortune (Oxford University Press, 2003)
Lucy G. Barber, Marching on Washington: The Forging of an American Political Tradition (University of California Press, 2003)
Patricia A. Schechter, Ida B. Wells-Barnett and American Reform, 1880-1930 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001)
Jessica Weiss, To Have and To Hold: Marriage, the Baby Boom, and Social Change (University of Chicago Press, 2000)
Margaret D. Jacobs, Engendered Encounters: Feminism and Pueblo Cultures, 1879-1934 (University of Nebraska Press, 1999)
Diane Wolfthal, Images of Rape: The “Heroic” Tradition and its Alternatives (Cambridge University Press, 1999)
Nina Rattner Gelbart, The King’s Midwife: A History and Mystery of Madam du Coudray (University of California Press, 1998)
Pamela Beth Radcliff, From Mobilization to Civil War: The Politics of Polarization in the Spanish City Gijón 1900-1937 (Cambridge University Press, 1997)
Estelle B. Freedman, Maternal Justice: Miriam Van Waters and the Female Reform Tradition (University of Chicago Press, 1996)
Susan L. Smith, Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired: Black Women’s Health Activism in America, 1890-1950 (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995)
Angel Kwolek-Folland, Engendering Business: Men and Women in the Corporate Office, 1870-1930 (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994)
Marilynn S. Johnson, The Second Gold Rush: Oakland and the East Bay in World War II (University of California Press, 1994)
Glenna Matthews, The Rise of Public Woman: Woman’s Power and Woman’s Place in the United States, 1630-1970 (Oxford University Press, 1992)
Francesca Miller, Latin American Women and the Search for Social Justice (University Press of New England, 1991)
Mary Elizabeth Perry, Gender and Disorder in Early Modern Seville (Princeton University Press, 1990)
Karen Lystra, Searching the Heart: Women, Men, and Romantic Love in Nineteenth-Century America (Oxford University Press, 1989)
Margaret Washington Creel, A Peculiar People:’ Slave Religion and Community Culture Among the Gullah (New York University Press, 1988)
Nina Rattner Gelbart, Feminine and Opposition Journalism in Old Regime France: Le Journal des Dames (University of California Press, 1987)
Joan M. Jensen, Loosening the Bonds: Mid-Atlantic Farm Women, 1750-1850 (Yale University Press, 1986)
Dolores E. Janiewski, Sisterhood Denied: Race, Gender, and Class in a New South Community (Temple University Press, 1986)
No Prize Awarded.
Michelle Root-Bernstein, Boulevard Theater and Revolution in Eighteenth-Century Paris (UMI Research Press, 1984)
Sharon L. Sievers, Flowers in Salt: The Beginning of Feminist Consciousness in Modern Japan (Stanford University Press, 1983)
Susan Strasser, Never Done: A History of American Housework (Pantheon Books, 1982)
Mary Elizabeth Perry, Crime and Society in Early Modern Seville (University Press of New England, 1980)
Erna Olafson Hellerstein, Leslie Parker Hume, and Karen M. Offen, Victorian Women: A Documentary Account of Women’s Lives in Nineteenth Century England, France, and the United States (Stanford University Press, 1981)
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