an historian whose book, book chapter, article, or verifiably published or posted electronic media illustrates the use of a specific set of primary sources (diaries, letters, interviews etc).
Award: $400
Open for submissions: annually in October
Deadline: The 2025 Kanner Award is now closed for submissions. The winner will be announced at the Awards Banquet on Saturday, April 26, 2025.
Submission Requirements
Applicants for the Barbara “Penny” Kanner Award must submit the following through the application portal (see green button below):
Applicants are strongly encouraged to read about the award and the selection process in the Barbara “Penny” Kanner Award bylaws.
Disqualification: Applicants who do not meet the deadline for submission or include all the required materials will not be considered.
Francis Richardson Keller (left) and Barbara "Penny" Kanner (right), former WAWH president (1980-198
Celia Crifasi, "Fluid Bodies: Wet Nurses and Breastmilk Anxieties in 18th Century Madrid," Journal of Women's History (Spring 2023)
Honorable Mention: Alejandra Dubcovsky, "Anohebasisiro Nimanibota / We Want to Talk to the Honored One: Timuca Language and Its Uses, Silences, and Protests," Native American and Indigenous Studies (Fall 2023).
Adria Imada, An Archive of Skin, an Archive of Kin: Diasability and Life-Making During Medical Incarceration (University of California Press, 2022)
Honorable Mention: Natalia Molina, A Place at the Nayarit: How a Mexican restaurant Nourished a Community (University of California Press, 2022)
Celeste R. Menchaca, “Staging Crossings: Policing Intimacy and Performing Respectability at the U.S.-Mexico Border, 1907-1917,” Pacific Historical Review (Winter 2020)
Erika Denise Edwards, Hiding in Plain Sight: Black Women and the Construction of a White Argentine Republic (University of Alabama, 2020)
Honorable mention: Mona L. Siegel, Peace on Our Terms: The Global Battle for Women’s Rights after the First World War (Columbia University Press, 2020)
Katherine M. Marino, Feminism for the Americas: The Making of an International Human Rights Movement (UNC Press, 2019)
Miroslava Chávez García, Migrant Letter Writing Across the U.S.–Mexico Borderlands (The University of North Carolina Press, 2018)
Lynne Marie Getz, Abolitionists, Doctors, Ranchers and Writers: A Family Journey through American History (University Press of Kansas, 2017)
Doreen Mattingly, A Feminist in the White House (Oxford University Press, 2016)
Sharony Green, Remember Me to Miss Louisa: Hidden Black-White Intimacies in Antebellum America (Northern Illinois University Press, 2015)
Kathleen B. Jones, Diving for Pearls: A Thinking Journey with Hannah Arendt (Thinking Women Books, 2013)
Andrea Germer, “Visible Culture, Invisible Politics: Propaganda in the Magazine NipponFujin, 1942-1945”
Lois W. Banner, MM–Personal: From the Private Archive of Marilyn Monroe (Harry N. Abrams, 2011)
Nwando Achebe, The Female King of Colonial Nigeria: Ahebi Ugbabe (Indiana University Press, 2011)
Honorable Mention: Elizabeth Heineman, Before Porn was Legal: The Erotica Empire of Beate Uhse (University of Chicago, 2011)
Nupur Chaudhuri, Sherry Katz, and Mary Elizabeth Perry, eds. Contesting Archives: Finding Women in the Sources (University of Illinois Press, 2010)
Melissa Lambert Milewski, Before the Manifesto: The Life Writings of Mary Lois Walker Morris (Utah State University Press, 2007)
No prize awarded.
No prize awarded.
Christine Bard, Annie Metz et Valérie Neveu (dir.), Guide des sources de l’histoire du feminisme (Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2006)
Ronald Loftus, Telling Lives: Women’s Self Writing in Modern Japan (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2004)
Allison Booth, How to Make it as a Woman: Collective Biographical History from Victoria to Present (University of Chicago Press, 2004)
Lynn Hudson, The Making of Mammy Pleasant: A Black Entrepreneur in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco (University of Illinois Press, 2002)
Sheridan Harvey, et al., Eds. American Women: A Library of Congress Guide for the Study of Women’s History and Culture in the United States (Lebanon, NH: University of New England Press, 2002)
No prize awarded.
No prize awarded.
No prize awarded.
Karen J. Blair, Northwest Women: An Annotated Bibliography of Sources on the History of Oregon and Washington Women, 1787-1970 (Washington State University Press, 1997)
No prize awarded.
1997 Mary Lynn McCree, Nancy Slote, and Maree De Anguary, The Jane Addams Papers: A Comprehensive Guide (Indiana University Press, 1996)
No prize awarded.
Candace Falk, Emma Goldman: A Guide to Her Life and Documentary Sources, (Chadwyck-Healy, 1995)
Yaffa Claire Draznin, “My Other Self”: The Letters of Olive Schreiner and Havelock Ellis, 1884-1920 (Peter Lang Publishing, 1992)
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