an outstanding paper presented by a graduate student at the annual WAWH conference. All fields of history will be considered.
Award: $150
Application opens: Once panel acceptance letters have been distributed. Submission must be a paper that was accepted for presentation at the 2025 conference.
Deadline: March 16, 2025
Applicants for the Carol Gold Graduate Student Conference Paper Prize:
Submission Requirements
Applicants for the Carol Gold Graduate Student Conference Paper Prize must submit the following through the application portal (see green button below):
Additional information: The presenter must also submit a copy of their paper to their panel's commentator as is required of all panelists.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to read about the award and the selection process in the Carol Gold Graduate Student Conference Paper Prize bylaws.
Disqualification: Applicants who do not meet the deadline for submission or include all the required materials will not be considered.
Questions? Ask the committee chairperson Sarah Chang.
Carol Gold, former president, for whom the graduate student conference paper prize is named.
Click the "apply today" button below to access the membership website. Once there, log in and look for the link that will take you to the form.
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Amanda Huse, UC Santa Cruz, "Rereading Congressional Ku-Klux Testimony: An Examination of Women and Ku-Klux Violence in Reconstruction Georgia"
No prize awarded.
Sarah Chang, UC Santa Cruz “I Wanna Dance with Somebody: Gender, Class, and Urban Space during China’s Early Economic Reforms”
Honorable mention: Whitney McIntosh, Columbia University, ” The Personal is not Political: The Rise of Individualist Feminism in the U.S.”
No prize awarded.
Kristina Molin Cherneski, University of Alberta, “‘Quite a pleasant little afternoon’s sport’: Imperial Femininity and Hunting Culture in 19th-Century Women’s Travel Literature”
Madeline Dede-Panken, CUNY Graduate Center, “Craving Knowledge, Carving Space: Gender and Mycological Work in Late Nineteenth-Century America”
Jaclyn Schultz, UC Santa Cruz, “William George’s Junior Republic, Progress Childhood, and Capitalist Training as Cure”
Sarah Gold McBride, UC Berkeley, “‘I Have a Piece of Thee Here’: Locks of Hair in Nineteenth-Century America”
Jessica Derleth, Binghamton University, “Kneading Politics: Cookery and the American Suffrage Movement”
Annelise Heinz, “Mahjong: Jewish Women, a Chinese Game, and the Paradoxes of Postwar Domesticity”
Samantha Williams, “I Resolved Never to be Conquered: Resistance and Dignity in the Slave Narratives of Harriet Jacobs and Mary Prince”
Mary Klann, UC San Diego, “Babies in Baskets: Tourism and Native American Motherhood in the 20th Century American West”
Carrie Adkins, University of Oregon,
“‘Gentlemen’s Daughters,’ ‘Womanly Women,’ and ‘Hen Medics’: Class, Gender, and Medical Education in the United States, 1870-1920”
Jennifer Robin Terry, UC Berkeley, “Evening the Score: Rebellion, Ingenuity, and Masculinity Manifested through Illicit Pregnancy”
Sarah Levine-Gronningsater, University of Chicago, “Performing Interracial Abolition: The Women and Children of the New York Colored Orphan Asylum in the Marketplace”
Brenda Frink, Stanford University, “A Barren School Yard Can Produce Naught Save a Barren-Hearted Pupil: Arbor Day in Progressive Era California”
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